Courses M to M
- MSS Safety - MSMPER205 Enter Confined Space
- MSS Safety - MSMWHS216 Operate Breathing Apparatus
- MSS Safety - PUAEQU001 Height Safety Equiment Inspector
- MSS Safety - PUAFER005 Emergency (Fire) Warden
- MSS Safety - PUAFER006 Chief Warden
- MSS Safety - PUAFER008 Fire Extinguishers and Blankets
- MSS Safety - RIIWHS204E Work Safely At Height
- MSS Safety - UETDRMP007 Low Voltage Rescue
- MSS20316 - Certificate II in Competitive Systems and Practices
- MSS30322 - Certificate III in Competitive Systems and Practices
- MSS40122 - Certificate IV in Sustainable Operations
- MSS40222 - Certificate IV in Environmental Monitoring and Technology
- MSS40322 - Certificate IV in Competitive Systems and Practices
- MSS50122 - Diploma of Sustainable Operations
- MSS50222 - Diploma of Environmental Monitoring and Technology
- MSS50322 - Diploma of Competitive Systems And Practices
- MST20116 - Certificate II in TCF Production Support
- MST20616 - Certificate II in Applied Fashion Design and Technology
- MST20722 - Certificate II in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles
- MST30222 - Certificate III in Manufactured Textile Products
- MST30316 - Certificate III in Millinery
- MST30519 - Certificate III in Leather Production
- MST30619 - Certificate III in Laundry Operations
- MST30919 - Certificate III in Dry Cleaning Operations
- MST31022 - Certificate III in Apparel, Fashion and Textiles
- MST40119 - Certificate IV in Textile Design, Development and Production
- MST40219 - Certificate IV in Clothing Production
- MST40222 - Certificate IV in Apparel and Fashion
- MST40222 - Certificate IV in Apparel and Fashion (Garment Construction, Design and Patternmaking)
- MST40316 - Certificate IV in Custom-Made Footwear
- MST40416 - Certificate IV in Millinery
- MST40519 - Certificate IV in Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising
- MST50119 - Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising
- MST50122 - Diploma of Apparel, Fashion and Textiles
- MST50122 - Diploma of Apparel, Fashion and Textiles (Business)
- MST50122 - Diploma of Apparel, Fashion and Textiles (Design and Product Development)
- MST60119 - Advanced Diploma of Applied Fashion Design and Merchandising
- MST60122 - Advanced Diploma of Apparel, Fashion and Textiles
- MSTSS00015 - Industrial Sewing Skill Set
- MSTSS00017 - Sample Machining Skill Set
- MTA Institute - AUR20220 Certificate II Automotive Air Conditioning Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR30320 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR30420 Certificate III Agricultural Mechanical Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR30620 Certificate III Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR30720 Certificate III in Outdoor Power Equipment Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR30820 Certificate III in Motorcycle Mechanical Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR31020 Certificate III in Automotive Sales
- MTA Institute - AUR31120 Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR31220 Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR32120 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR32420 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology
- MTA Institute - AUR32518 Certificate III in Automotive Underbody Technology
- MTA Training - AUR20520 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology
- MTA Training - AUR30320 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology
- MTA Training - AUR30420 Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology
- MTA Training - AUR30516 Certificate III in Marine Mechanical Technology
- MTA Training - AUR30620 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- MTA Training - AUR30716 Certificate III in Outdoor Power Equipment Technology
- MTA Training - AUR30816 Certificate III in Motorcycle Mechanical Technology
- MTA Training - AUR31020 Certificate III in Automotive Sales
- MTA Training - AUR31120 Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- MTA Training - AUR31220 Certificate III in Mobile Plant Technology
- MTA Training - AUR31420 Certificate III in Automotive Diesel Fuel Technology
- MTA Training - AUR31820 Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Trailer Technology
- MTA Training - AUR32120 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology
- MTA Training - AUR32420 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology
- MTA Training - AUR32721 Certificate III in Automotive Electric Vehicle Technology
- MTA Training - AURLTD006 Carry out light vehicle wheel alignment operations
- MTC Training - AUR20520 Certificate II in Automotive Servicing Technology
- MTC Training - AUR20720 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational Preparation
- MTC Training - CPC20220 Certificate II in Construction Pathways
- MTC Training - MEM20422 Certificate II in Engineering Pathways
- MTC Training - UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start)
- Multisec Training - CPP20218 Certificate II in Security Operations
- Multisec Training - CPP41519 Certificate IV in Security Risk Analysis
- MultiSkills Training - CPC30720 Certificate III in Rigging
- MultiSkills Training - RII30820 Certificate III in Civil Construction Plant Operations
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Agricultural Science
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Arts (Asian Studies)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Arts (History)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Arts (Indonesian)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Arts (Japanese)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Arts (Philosophy)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Arts (Politics and International Studies)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Arts (Sociology)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Business (Accounting)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Business (Business Law)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Business (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Business (Finance)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Business (Human Resource Management)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Business (International Business)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Business (Management)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Business (Marketing)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Communication
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Criminology
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Data Analytics
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Engineering Technology
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Food Science and Nutrition
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Information Technology (Business Information Systems)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Information Technology (Computer Science)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Laws
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Laws / Bachelor of Science
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Nursing
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Science (Physical Sciences)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
- Murdoch University - Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science
- Murdoch University - Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
- Murdoch University - Graduate Certificate in Criminology
- Murdoch University - Graduate Certificate in Education
- Murdoch University - Graduate Certificate in Environmental Assessment and Management
- Murdoch University - Graduate Certificate in Information Technology
- Murdoch University - Graduate Certificate in Project Management
- Murdoch University - Graduate Certificate in Tertiary and Adult Education
- Murdoch University - Graduate Certificate of Counselling
- Murdoch University - Graduate Diploma in Counselling
- Murdoch University - Graduate Diploma in Criminology
- Murdoch University - Graduate Diploma in Environmental Science
- Murdoch University - Graduate Diploma in Information Technology
- Murdoch University - Graduate Diploma in Information Technology Management
- Murdoch University - Graduate Diploma in Psychology
- Murdoch University - Master of Business Administration
- Murdoch University - Master of Business Administration (Global)
- Murdoch University - Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology
- Murdoch University - Master of Communication
- Murdoch University - Master of Counselling
- Murdoch University - Master of Criminology
- Murdoch University - Master of Development Studies
- Murdoch University - Master of Education (Inclusive and Special Needs Education)
- Murdoch University - Master of Education (International Education)
- Murdoch University - Master of Engineering Practice
- Murdoch University - Master of Environmental Science
- Murdoch University - Master of Information Technology
- Murdoch University - Master of Information Technology (IT Management)
- Murdoch University - Master of Professional Accounting
- Murdoch University - Master of Professional Accounting (Advanced)
- Murdoch University - Master of Public Policy and Management
- Murdoch University - Master of Sustainable Development
- Murdoch University - Master of Teaching (Primary)
- Murdoch University - Master of Teaching (Secondary)
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - 22474VIC Certificate III in General Education for Adults
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - CHC30121 Certificate III in Early Childhood Education and Care
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - CHC32015 Certificate III in Community Service
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support (Ageing)
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - CPCWHS1001 Prepare to Work Safely in the Construction Industry (White Card)
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - FNS30322 Certificate III in Accounts Administration
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - HLTAID009 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - HLTAID011 Provide First Aid
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - HLTAID012 Provide an Emergency First Aid Response in an Education and Care Setting
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - SHB20116 Certificate II in Retail Cosmetics
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - SHB20216 Certificate II in Salon Assistant
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - SHB30121 Certificate III in Beauty Services
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - SHB30416 Certificate III in Hairdressing
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - SHB50121 Diploma of Beauty Therapy
- Murray ACE Training Solutions - SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality
- Murray House Resource Centre - BSB41419 Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety
- Murray House Resource Centre - TAE40122 Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AHC20116 Certificate II in Agriculture
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AHC20416 Certificate II in Horticulture
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AHC30116 Certificate III in Agriculture
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AHC30716 Certificate III in Horticulture
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AHC30921 Certificate III in Landscape Construction
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AHC31021 Certificate III in Parks and Gardens
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AUR30320 Certificate III in Automotive Electrical Technology
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AUR30420 Certificate III in Agricultural Mechanical Technology
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AUR30620 Certificate III in Light Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AUR31120 Certificate III in Heavy Commercial Vehicle Mechanical Technology
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AUR32120 Certificate III in Automotive Body Repair Technology
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AUR32220 Certificate in Automotive Glazing Technology
- Murray Mallee Training Company - AUR32420 Certificate III in Automotive Refinishing Technology
- Murray Mallee Training Company - BSB20120 Certificate II in Workplace Skills
- Murray Mallee Training Company - BSB30120 Certificate III in Business
- Murray Mallee Training Company - BSB40120 Certificate IV in Business
- Murray Mallee Training Company - CPC30220 Certificate III in Carpentry
- Murray Mallee Training Company - CPC30620 Certificate III in Painting and Decorating
- Murray Mallee Training Company - CPC30820 Certificate III in Roof Tiling
- Murray Mallee Training Company - CPC31220 Certificate III in Wall and Ceiling Lining
- Murray Mallee Training Company - CPC31320 Certificate III in Wall and Floor Tiling
- Murray Mallee Training Company - CPC33020 Certificate III in Bricklaying/Blocklaying
- Murray Mallee Training Company - MEM30219 Certificate III in Engineering-Mechanical Trade
- Murray Mallee Training Company - MEM30319 Certificate III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade
- Murray Mallee Training Company - MSF31113 Certificate III in Cabinet Making
- Murray Mallee Training Company - SIR20216 Certificate II in Retail Services
- Murray Mallee Training Company - SIR30216 Certificate III in Retail
- Murray Mallee Training Company - TLI20421 Certificate II in Supply Chain Operations
- My CPE - BSB50420 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- My CPE - BSBITU422 Use digital technologies to collaborate in the workplace
- My CPE - BSBPEF501 Manage personal and professional development
- My CPE - BSBPEF502 Develop and Use Emotional Intelligence
- My CPE - FNS40222 Certificate IV in Accounting and Bookkeeping
- My CPE - FNS50222 Diploma of Accounting
- My CPE - FNS50422 Diploma of Payroll Services
- My CPE - FNSACC412 Prepare operational budgets
- My CPE - FNSSS00004 BAS Agent Registration Skill Set
- My CPE - FNSSS00012 Payroll Administrator Skill Set
- My CPE - FNSSS00013 Business Ethics and Conduct Skill Set
- My CPE - FNSSS00014 Accounting Principles Skill Set